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Friday, 27 February 2015

Introduction To DataBases

Introduction To Databases

This post is to give a basic introduction to databases by giving some definitions and explanations of some of the parts in a database and some types.
There is an accompanying podcast for this to assist you.


Database:  Organized collection of logically related data.
Data: Stored representations of meaningful objects and events                                                                                            
- Structured: Numbers, text,dates.                                                                                                             
- Unstructured: images, video, documents
Information: Data processed to increase knowledge in the person using the data.
Metadata: Data that describes the properties and context of use data.
Graphical displays: Turns data into useful information that managers can use for decision making and interpretation.

The characteristics of Databases

·         The purpose of a database is to help people track things of interest to them.
·         Data is stored in tables, which have rows and columns like a spreadsheet. A database may have multiple tables, where each table stores data about a different thing.
·         Each row in the table stores data about an occurrence or instance of the thing of interest.
·         A database stores data and relationships.
·         Tables are related through Primary and foreign keys.

Why Use A Database?

·         The purpose of a database is to help people and organizations keep track of things.
·         Problems of using list to store data.
-Data inconsistencies
-Data Privacy: The departments want to store some, but not all, of their data.

Components of a Database system

·         User -- Database Application -- DBMS -- Database  (DBMS = Data Base Management System)
     - Process
     - Administer

Components of a Database system with SQL

·         User -- Database Application –SQL-- DBMS – Database
     - Process
     - Administer

Applications, the DBMS, and SQL

·         Applications are the computer programs that users work with.
·         The Database Management System (DBMS) creates, Processes, and administers databases.
·         Structured Query Language (SQL) is an internationally recognized standard database language  that is used by all commercial DBMS.

Database Applications

·         Create and process forms
·         Process user queries
·         Create and process reports
·         Execute applications logic
·         Control application


·         Create database
·         Create tables
·         Create supporting structures(e.g. indexes)
·         Read database data
·         Modify (insert, update, or delete data)
·         Maintain database structures
·         Enforce rules
·         Control concurrency
·         Provide security
·         Perform backup and recovery

Database Contents

·         Tables of user data
·         Metadata
·         Indexes
·         Stored procedures
·         Triggers
·         Security data
·         Backup/ recovery data

Microsoft Access

 Microsoft Access is a low-end product intended for individual users and small work groups.
·        Microsoft Access tries to hide much of the underlying database technology from the user.
·        A good strategy for beginners, but not for database professionals.

What Is Microsoft Access?

·         Microsoft Access is a DBMS plus an application generator:
  -DBMS creates, processes, and administers Microsoft Access Database.
  -the application generator includes query, form, and report components.
·         The Microsoft Access DBMS engine is called Jet, which is not sold as a separate product.
 Microsoft Access 2000 and later can be used as an application generator for the Microsoft SQL  Server DBMS

Prominent DBMS Products

·         Microsoft Access 2010
·         Microsoft SQL Server 2008
  -New: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express
·         Oracle Corporation Oracle Database 12c
·         MySQL 5.6
·         IBM DB2 

Three Types of Database Design

·        From Existing Data
Analyse spreadsheets and other data tables
Extract data from other databases
Design using normalization principles
·       New System Development
Create data model from application requirements
Transform data model into database design
·       Database Redesign
Migrate databases to newer databases
Integrate two or more databases
Reverse engineer and design new databases using normalization principles and data model transformation

The Relational Database Model

·         The dominant database model is the relational database model  - all current major DBMS products      are based on it.
·         It was created by IBM engineer E.F. Codd in 1970
·         It was based on mathematics called relational algebra

Object Oriented DBMS (OODBMS)

·         Object-oriented programming started in the mid-1980s
·         Goal of OODBMS is to store object-oriented programming objects in a database without having to  transform them into relational format
·         Object-relational DBMS products, such as Oracle 8i and 9i, allow both relational and object views of  data on the same database
·         Currently, OODBMS have not been a commercial success due to high cost of relational to object-  oriented transformation

Functions of a DBMS

·         Data storage, retrieval, and update.
-fundamental function of DBMS
·         Transaction support
-A mechanism that ensures the all or nothing property of transactions enforced
·         Concurrency Control services
-ensures that updates are carried out properly when multiple users are accessing the same data.
·         Recovery services
-recovering the database in the event that it is damaged in some way.
·         Authorization services
-Mechanism to ensure that only authorised users can access the database
·         Support for data communication
-needs to be able to integrate with data comms software 


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